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Adventures in the Pale Mountains Web app and game booklet

Play with the app
Download our game booklets
And play with paper, glue and colors
Game Booklet A
For children aged 9 to 10
Game Booklet B
For children aged 6 to 8

The project

The project is made up of a digital game and two booklets with a wealth of games and ideas. You can use your imagination to transform these into a fantastic world just waiting to be discovered: the world of the Dolomites, also known as the Pale Mountains.

How it works

App + booklet A

  1. Play with the app, complete the games and release the bonuses.
  2. At the end of the app download the game booklet.
  3. Print the sheets (in A4 or A3 format).
  4. Follow the instructions and colour, cut out, glue and complete the games.
  5. Assemble the sheets together and play with the new paper landscape.

Booklet B

  1. Download the game booklet and print out the sheets (in A4 or A3 format).
  2. Follow the instructions and colour, cut out, glue and complete the games.
  3. Assemble the sheets together and play with the new paper landscape.

Guarda il video tutorial!

Guarda il video, e scopri come costruire il tuo paesaggio dolomitico con il materiale di Avventure sui Monti Pallidi. Dopo aver svolto le attività didattiche (giochi, quiz, spunti di discussione), colora le schede, ritaglia il paesaggio, incollalo e... gioca di nuovo!

Attenzione: per questa attività il materiale deve essere stampato "solo fronte" e non fronte e retro.

The Dolomite Landscape

The Dolomite landscape is unique. The peaks of the mountains are high and almost vertical, large gorges and cliffs separate rocky towers, while the rock is very particular, and rare fossils can sometimes be found. The Dolomites have always stimulated poets, painters, scientists, tourists and residents, children and adults, making them dream.  One need only think that there was a sea here millions of years ago, with its sandy dunes, fish and shells. Then the sea withdrew and the magnificent peaks that we can admire today emerged.

Contact us

for more information about this project, send an email to
Concept e illustrazioni: Valentina Gottardi - Cocai Design
Web e sviluppo app: Maciej Michno - Crisi della Prospettiva
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